After Remodeling Your Basement, Use These Tips To Keep It Clean

By Christopher Behan

Having a newly remodeled basement room can be exciting, but it’s important to recognize that keeping this space clean may not be the same as the rest of your home. The often damper environment and unique building materials used to finish this space mean there are unique factors you’ll need to consider when you want to ensure that your basement room remains clean. To help you clean your finished basement more effectively, here are a few tips to consider.

Check for water before cleaning – Trying to sweep a wet floor or vacuum up water can cause a much greater mess than the one you were trying to clean. On certain types of floors like concrete, epoxy and tile it’s generally easy to spot wet areas, however carpet, cork and any flooring with a subfloor system can all absorb moisture with little to no outward signs. Be sure to walk along these latter types of floors before cleaning them so you can quickly treat any water damage.

Use a wet dry vacuum – Since water can commonly be an issue in basements, it’s a good call to have a wet-dry vacuum available to handle clean up when water is present. With the proper attachments, these systems can actually clean a room better than a traditional vacuum and won’t short out when sucking up water. It’s important to clean your vacuum any time you use it on a fluid to prevent the buildup of mold.


Clean out your sump system – With a finished basement, you’ll find yourself more reliant on your sump system to protect this space than ever before. Be sure to regularly clean out the system and make sure your pump is always operational as mold and algae can grow in sumps that don’t provide adequate water flow.

Have blowers and dehumidifiers on hand – When your basement floods or leaks, the faster you can remove the moisture the better, even when you use a moisture-resistant basement remodeling system. Blowers and dehumidifiers can greatly speed the drying process when used after a flood, so adding them to the tools in your garage is a smart idea when you have a finished basement.

Deal with mold quickly – Since finished basements concentrate moisture behind walls and under the floors, there’s a greater chance for mold to develop. It’s important to counter any signs of mold growth as quickly as possible to prevent its spread into the upper floors of your home. HEPA filters can assist in clearing mold sport from the air, but it can be difficult to reach mold infestations behind wall panels with traditional mold-killing solutions. In many cases, using a fogger is an excellent way to solve this problem, as it can deliver a vaporized mold eliminator that will permeate all areas of your basement.

With these tips in mind, and a little elbow grease, you should be able to keep your newly remodeled basement clean and tidy for years to come.

About the Author: Christopher Behan is a professional writer specializing in the home improvement industry. His writing focuses on

basement remodeling

, replacement windows, sunrooms, and other home remodeling products and services, and his work has been featured on multiple home improvement websites.


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After Remodeling Your Basement, Use These Tips To Keep It Clean
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